Happy Babies play and learn through the proper activity, good nutrition, and adequate, restful sleep.
The Baby P.L.A.N.S. Method is a 14-unit, self-paced, email training course and workshop - a road map that emphasizes the proper amount and type of activity, nutrition, and sleep, based on age group.
Whether you're a new parent or already have a family, The Baby P.L.A.N.S. Method will give you the tools you need to grow your family with more positivity and a little less insanity.
The training course is divided into 14 separate lessons and consists of easy to follow outlines, educational printouts, and goal-directed assignments.
The course also includes an interactive component. Upon completion of the course, you are encouraged to utilize the personalized Q&A email, where Tiffany privately answers your top three (3) pressing questions and offers strategies to implement to make sure that each individual gets the highest value for their investment.
Further, the cost of the course includes a Lifetime Enrollment.
Once enrolled, you can complete the course as often as you like, and will have FREE access to future course additions.
Do any of these statements apply to you?
- I feel I'm having difficulty reading my baby; it's not as easy as I'd hoped.
- I know sleep is important for my baby; I read all the books, but I feel frustrated trying to implement the overload of information.
- Am I giving my baby the right foods in the right amount?
- I love my baby, but I feel trapped when my baby will only fall asleep on me or when nursing.
- I'm waking multiple times with my baby through the night and the next day is a blurry haze with a grumpy baby.
- How can I be sure I'm engaging my child in meaningful activities that will encourage their growth and development rather than hinder it?
- I want to make sure that my baby is eating and sleeping enough and that I'm providing adequate, age appropriate activities without over-stimulating my baby.
If any of the above statements apply to you, then this course is IDEAL for you!
You could attempt to wade through scores of baby sleep books and baby nutrition guides while tiredly trying to care for the needs of your little one. Or you can enroll in The Baby P.L.A.N.S. course and get the help you need right now.
When it comes to feeding our babies, it's natural to be a little nervous. After all, we are taking the first steps in helping our little ones develop life-long healthy eating habits.
We value the importance of knowing how much our baby needs to eat on a daily basis to ensure their health and well-being.
And what about introducing solids? This is a fun yet worrisome milestone.
Consider these study results and statistics:
- According to the U.S. EPA's guidelines on pesticides, food, and children, pesticides may be especially harmful to children by blocking the absorption of vital nutrients essential for normal growth. (Source)
- Infants and toddlers are especially vulnerable to the exposure of these toxins as their internal organs are still maturing and it can permanently alter the way their system functions.
- In 2012, and again in 2015 the American Academy of Pediatrics released a report on children's exposure to pesticides. It cited research linking pesticide exposure early in life to some pediatric cancers, decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems. (Source)
Doctors agree that healthy sleep habits are just as important long term as are nutrition and activity.
Consider these study results and statistics:
- Per The Journal of Pediatrics, December 11, 2014 - Too little sleep, less than 10.5 hours in children 5 and 6, is linked to increased risk of childhood obesity by 60-100%. (Source). Children are much more likely to sleep well after toddlerhood if they've learned to self-soothe as babies and toddlers.
- Per John Hopkins Children's Center - even 1 hour less sleep per night than your child needs can affect their I.Q. levels and academic achievements. (Source).
- Per Pediatrics, April 27, 2009 - inadequate sleep of 7.7 hours of sleep or less in children is linked to a significant increase in hyperactive / inattentiveness during the day as well as higher incidences of depression. (Source 1) (Source 2) (Source 3)
- Babies who don't sleep well may develop chronic sleep issues. It may also affect their ability to learn, interact and socialize. (Source)
In early the early years, movement is developmentally essential in establishing a strong foundation for brain development.
Consider these study results and statistics:
- Per government research, the benefits of active play extend to life skills such as social skills and patience to mention just a couple. Benefits also include increased mental awareness, healthy growth, and prevention of certain diseases. (Source)
Course Curriculum
PreviewModule 1: Sleep Overview
StartLesson Unit 1: Daytime Sleep Needs By Age
StartLesson Unit 2: Nighttime Sleep Needs By Age
StartLesson Unit 3: Day + Night Sleep Schedules By Age
StartLesson Unit 4: Sleep Routines & How To Implement Them
StartLesson Unit 5: Sleep Soothing Techniques & How To Implement Them
StartLesson Unit 6: Sleep Challenges & How To Overcome Them
StartModule 1: Sleep Learning Assignments
StartModule 1: Sleep Essentials Printouts
PreviewModule 2: Nutrition Overview
StartLesson Unit 1: Nutrition Needs By Age
StartLesson Unit 2: Nutrition Feeding Schedules By Age
StartLesson Unit 3: Dream Feed - What Is It? + How To Implement It
StartLesson Unit 4: Growth Spurts - When They Occur + How To Adjust
StartLesson Unit 5: Breastfeeding Basics
StartLesson Unit 6: Basics To Introducing Solids
StartModule 2: Nutrition Learning Assignments
StartModule 2: Nutrition Essentials Printouts
The Premium tuition for The Baby P.L.A.N.S. Method is a one-time payment of $99.
Full Premium Tuition includes lifetime access to the P.L.A.N.S. course, including assignments and printouts, as well as access to future course updates and bonuses.
Additionally, you receive an opportunity for detailed email communication answering your top three (3) concerns.
This is an e-course with content delivered digitally online.
For those who feel they can't afford the one-time payment, there are alternative payment options as outlined:
2 monthly installments of $50.00
6 monthly installments of $17.00
12 monthly installments of $9.00
Many courses cover ONLY sleep or play & learn activities or baby feeding alone for the cost of $100 - $175 for each course.
This course explores the impact of sleep on your baby and the family; the importance of proper nutrition through baby's first year; and it examines the influence of physical activity on learning / cognitive and social/emotional development from infancy through toddlerhood.
Each enrollee will receive comprehensive guides and charts on sleeping, food (including recipes), and activities to review and adapt at home for practical application. You will get a confident sense of what your baby needs at a certain age and/or stage of development.
Learn how rewarding and simple it is to meet your baby's sleep, nutritional, and activity needs!
Get started now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Instructor

Hi! I'm Tiffany. I'm the proud mama to two little girls, and I have another baby on the way. I've been down this ever changing landscape of early parenthood, and by using the tools and techniques taught in The Baby P.L.A.N.S. method I've more than survived, I've felt confident.
I've been writing and instructing for decades. I've been blogging since 2013 with the creation of Mommy Methodology, a website dedicated to finding both healthy lifestyle methods, and natural parenting methods.
And I'm proud to now offer online instruction through e-training where I teach in an informative yet concise manner to the ultimate benefit of busy parents everywhere.